
Showing posts from February, 2021

Intro to Design: Types of Communication and Logos

Types of Communication  Communication and design go hand in hand with each other. One must be able to successfully communicate their designs, and one must also be able to arrange their communications in a way that makes sense to the subject.  The most frequently used types of communication include, visual, audio, written, and verbal. The best of these can be argued to be audio communication. The distinct nature of audio as well as the accessibility of the format makes it readily available to almost anyone. Audio communication is also a time tested format and has been used for hundreds of years in one format or another. Humans have always tried to record, propagate, and disperse audio communications as they can be more easily transmitted than a combination of audio and video. From the phonograph, to radio, to more modern formats like the .mp3 or.wav files audio is an important cornerstone in communication. Another advantage of audio communication is that it can be consumed on i...