Call to Action- School to Prison Pipeline Paragraphs and Thumbnails
Revised 3 Paragraphs The school to prison pipeline is a hostile social construct within our schools in which children of minority groups, the vast majority of those affected being BIPOC, are disproportionately targeted for disciplinary measures and treated like problems to be solved rather than children to be taught and nurtured. This system and behavior towards these students pushes them out of the education system and into incarceration and the prison industrial complex. While BIPOC children are the most affected by the school to prison pipeline, the effects also extend to LGBTQ+ students, and those with learning disabilities as well as other minority groups that could be seen as bad students. The institutional racism and bigotry within schools has made this system the norm and caused educators to react differently to these "problem students" due to inherent biases that have been institutionally instilled. The creation of policies such as "zero tolerance" has g...