Semester Design Retrospective
Resume Project- The resume project, in retrospect came off looking more like a menu. It needed something to distinguish it more from other applicants and less wide open space at the top and the bottom. The text wrapping tool would have served this project well. Flyer Project- The Flyer has a strong, impactful design that effectively communicates the issue of the school to prison pipeline without making light of it. It provides important information to the reader that helps them to start understanding the issue, as well as a source for more information. Brochure Project- The brochure provides a bold, eye catching layout that is wonderfully simple, but also interwoven with meaning and class. The interior layout is tight, with no wasted space but also not being crammed together. The African American flag stands out and reminds the reader of the theme of the brochure. Postcard Project- The postcard is a great summation of Scott, his interests, and his goals. H...